April Test
This past Friday we held a very important test. David Kiester tested for his Cho Dan Bo, and Felicity Patch tested for her green belt. Every test is important, and a huge part of the students’ journey in the Martial Arts, but this test was especially important for numerous reasons. Felicity has been training with […]
2016 TAC Tour with Grandmaster J. John St. James
Colorado Tang Soo Do and Colorado Martial Arts Academy were fortunate to host an Atlantic Pacific Tang Soo Do Federation event on February 13th, 2016. 8th Dan Grandmaster, J. John St. James flew in from Georgia to teach our students “Real Deal Self-Defense” techniques and tactics. He started off with our Little Dragons group, and […]
June Flyer
Colorado TSD – Community Workshop
On Saturday, April 25th, Colorado TSD – SE Aurora provided their first Community Focused – Project Based Leadership workshop at the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado Inc. office in Denver, Co. Leading the workshop was Mr. Jesse Bernal with the assistance of his students, Connor and Ella Bernal, Amanda and Ashton Smith and from […]
Review of Whistlekick foot gear
Anyone who has used foot gear knows it’s not exactly comfortable. The straps on the bottom interfere with grip on the floor, they bunch and pinch, not to mention (eventually) rip. In my search for better fitting, more comfortable foot gear, I ran across Whistlekick. Jeremy Lesniak was kind enough to supply me with a […]
TAC Tour in Lubbock, TX
This past weekend, a small group of us were lucky enough to attend the APTSDF TAC Tour down in Lubbock, TX. This event featured clinics with KJN Washington and Master Reinhardt from Australia, who worked with us on practical applications of techniques. I won’t go into too much detail and ruin the excitement for […]
12 fortune cookie tips to being a Pro
What’s the difference between a “Pro” and an “Amateur”? In one word: Dedication In more words – dedication to something bigger than themselves and to the virtues that make their pursuits inspire others to greater heights of success and happiness. The second you think about the money, you stop being a pro. – James […]
Student Profile – David Kiester (in his own words)
In my opinion, Colorado Tang Soo Do’s most enthusiastic student is its oldest, Me, age 63. I started martial arts with my son and long after he dropped out I stayed with it. My experience at Colorado Tang Soo Do is the best, a great workout, a well stretched body, tangible skills improvement as […]
Resolutions are for chumps!!
Every year, approximately 45% of adults in America make New Years Resolutions*. Of that group, 8% are successful. The odds are stacked in favor of the house (the “house” being your old habits or lack thereof). There’s still hope! Goals and Habits are the key. People who make explicit resolutions are 10x more likely to […]
Rites of passage and Martial Responsibility
I answered a post on G+ (here from April 6, 2014) which asked how a hobby like Martial Arts – where a person trains to defeat their opponents, can also result in promoting personal character, mental and spiritual discipline and good morals. As I see it, our lives are a series of […]